#36: Estimation outsourcing

Business Idea #36

User story:

As a project or service manager I want to estimate parameters of my project or operation so I can plan and track it in a more robust way.


Nobody argues anymore about the importance of estimating projects or operations. 
However, getting accurate estimates is not a easy task: most of the time it depends on reliable historical data and high-quality predictive factors. 

What if there was a service online that you can rely when estimating your projects or (service) operations?


 Outsourcing project or service operations estimation.


Online portal that offers estimating-related services for companies or individuals..

Who we are:

This idea is one of the 50 business ideas that I would implement if I had time.

Arthur Valle, PhD
whatsapp: +64 212284022
email: arthur@trendset.com.br


TRENDSET Financial Education
New Zealand
twitter: @ArthurVallePhD

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